PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 40 of 67
Place the controller in the Idle State either by powering up the system
without a demand for heat (Open Thermostat), or follow the steps below
to force the system into the Idle State:
Power the unit normally by connecting the 7-pin connector to the
As soon as the controller enters the Purging State, press and hold
the Disable button.
Once the unit has been Disabled, press the End button.
Once the unit is in the Idle State the controller interface button on the far
right will become the “Feed” control button (See Figure 3.1 Above).
Press and hold the “Feed” button will run the auger.
Run the auger past the first few pellets that drop to ensure the entire
auger is full of pellets and there is a consistent flow of pellets from
the auger.
IMPORTANT: Clean the burn chamber as there may be unburned
pellets in the burn chamber.
Restart the system by pressing and holding the Enable (“Ena”)
button following the cleanout of the burn chamber and reassembly
of the burner.
The system will now run normally.
Functions describe in the remainder of the chapter are to be
performed by a Pellergy trained certified professional ONLY!!
Setup of the Start Feed Value
The Start Feed value controls the amount of pellets that are loaded into
burn chamber during the ignition cycle. This value is the period of time in
seconds that the conveyor motor will run thus loading pellets into the
burner. 2.1 cups or 17 ounces is the proper start amount of pellets. The
angle of the conveyor along with other factors (including the consistency
of the pellets) effects this setting. The following describes the steps to set
this value to achieve the proper Start Amount.