Pilots Operating Handbook
Revision 7, Issue 1
Instrument Panel, Flight and Systems Instruments
7.5.1 Front Cockpit (Pilot)
The Tarragon is piloted from the front cockpit. All
systems necessary for engine/propeller control
and management, flaps, gear lowering and
communications controls are located in the front.
The electrical system switch/circuit breaker panel,
cabin heat and radiator flap control levers, various
switches and emergency gear lowering system
are located on the middle console.
This aircraft has additional equipment connected
to Dynon SkyView:
Wi-Fi module for Dynon Skyview
TRX 1500 Traffic monitoring module
FLARM/ADS-B in/out
Dynon XPD
USB charging ports pilot/co-pilot
2-axis autopilot
Video CAM front/rear view
GPS module
Dynon heated Pitot tube
Strobe/Nav lights