17 Pegasus Astro – Copyright 2016
Backlash Compensation
Backlash, sometimes called lash or play, is clearance or lost motion in a mechanism caused by
gaps between the parts. Motor’s gearbox or other components in the focuser can have an
amount of backlash.
Compensation will be invoked when the move in opposite of the compensation direction. Just
make sure the amount specified is more than needed to remove the backlash.
To enable backlash compensation, choose the extra steps you need to calculated in
compensation and enable the feature by clicking ON.
Setting is stored in the EEPROM and calculates the backlash steps by using PC or
Manual Knob
An indication on the main status bar will notify you that the backlash compensation
functionality is enabled.
Knob Encoder Disabled
If you want to disable knob on the side of the controller
Press the knob for two (2) seconds.
You can also disable it from the settings of the standalone software.
Led indicator will turn to orange and the software will report the disabled status of the knob.
A red knob will appear on the status bar or the software (check following image)
Press the knob one more time to enable the encoder functionality
Firmware and Software Version
Connect to controller and click the “informational”
button on the taskbar of the main