13 Pegasus Astro – Copyright 2016
Set steppers motor “Max Speed” and click “Set”. Setting will be saved to controller’s
memory (EEPROM)
Power cycle controller to verify new setting and configure motor output.
Motor Settings - New Position
If you need to change the current position of the controller, you can do it through this option.
Type new position and press “Set” Button
Controller will instantly set new position the value you specified.
that controller will not move motor. Controller will only change value of
reported current position
This is very useful when you need to zero the position of the focuser or set another value.
You can also zero the position of the focuser by clicking the “000” button in the top taskbar
of the application.
Custom Rates
You can easily set and save custom names and step / pulse values in the following section of
“Setup” page.
Click “OK” and your rate settings will appear in the main window of the application.