Cyclone Automated Control Package
4.5.4 compare_image_with_file
function compare_image_with_file(cyclonepromaxhandle :
longword; aFile : pchar; image_id : byte) : boolean;
bool compare_image_with_file(unsigned long cyclonepromaxhandle,
char *aFile, unsigned char image_id);
bool compare_image_with_file(UInt32 cyclonepromaxhandle, String
aFile, byte image_id);
Compares an image stored on the selected media type (Cyclone internal
Flash or external memory card) against a .SAP file created with the
Cyclone Image Creation Utility.
The handle of the Cyclone unit that will
have its image compared
@param aFile
A pointer to a null-terminated character
string which contains the full path to the
.SAP file that will be compared
@param image_id
Used to select which image stored on the
Cyclone unit to compare against. If a
Cyclone only stores one image, this
parameter should be set to 1.
The valid range of this parameter is from 1
to the number of images in the selected
media type. (Cyclone internal Flash or
external memory card)
True if the image and the .SAP file match
False otherwise
Note that a false will also be returned if an
error occurred during communications
between the PC and the Cyclone unit.