Chapter 3— Pushbutton Switches
Slow Off
Commands all devices to go to 0% at the 10-second fade
Commands all devices to blink their outputs on and off at a
0.5-second blink rate.
Table 2: UPStart’s UPB Commands
What Are Transmit Modes?
In order to make it easier for you to configure your pushbuttons’ transmit
behaviors UPStart has defined a certain set of popular configurations and
called them Transmit Modes. The current set of UPStart Transmit Modes
are summarized as follows:
Scene Activator Mode
In the Scene Activator mode the pushbutton will transmit an “Activate”
command whenever it is tapped or held. This is ideal for when you want a
single pushbutton to activate a preset scene.
Off Button Mode
In the Off Button
mode the pushbutton will transmit an “Activate”
command whenever it is single-tapped or held.
: it is up to the
installer to configure the devices activated by this pushbutton to go to 0%.
It will also transmit a “Snap Off” command whenever it is double-tapped.
This is usually assigned to the OFF Button on 6-Button Controllers to
either fade or snap the lights to 0% (off).
On Button Mode
In the On Button
mode the pushbutton will transmit an “Activate”
command whenever it is single-tapped or held.
: it is up to the
installer to configure the devices activated by this pushbutton to go to a
desired level. It will also transmit a “Snap On” command whenever it is
double-tapped. This is usually assigned to the ON Button on 6-Button
Controllers to either fade or snap the lights to 100% (on).
The UPB 6-Button Controller User’s Guide