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Ph: 804.227.3023
10511 Old Ridge Rd. Ashland, VA 23005
4LHD/4LHDX Application Manual
Powertrain Control Solutions
REV 1.1
3.2 End-of-Line Inspection Procedures
Several items must be inspected prior to operating the vehicle and a test drive must be performed prior to delivering the
vehicle to the end-user. Data from the inspections outlined below must be retained during the transmission warranty period
and available for PCS review if a warranty claim is made on a transmission. PCS encourages vehicle manufacturers to
implement a rigorous quality inspection prior to customer delivery, but requires the minimum items specified in this section
to be inspected and documented. Improper installation will result in transmission damage that is not covered under
warranty. The critical items required include:
Fastener selection, installation, and torque
Position Lever
TCM firmware and calibration
Transmission fluid type and level
Throttle position
Engine RPM
Vehicle speed
Diagnostic codes
3.2.1 Pre-Start Checks
Fastener Torque
Prior to starting the vehicle for the first time, inspect all mounting bolts, torque converter bolts, flywheel bolts, and
all other driveline hardware to ensure it is present and torqued to the proper value.
Position Lever Check
Move the shift lever through all the ranges and verify that the transmission shift arm is centered in the detent for
each position. This may require disconnecting the cable at the transmission for each position to ensure the arm
is in the detent. Improper shift cable adjustment will result in premature transmission failure.
3.2.2 Stationary Engine-Off Checks
Turn the ignition on (do not start the engine) and connect to the TCM with the PCS TCM Diagnostic Software.
Verify the firmware version is the current, recommended version on the PCS website referenced below. Perform
a firmware upgrade if necessary. Record the firmware version.
PCS Transmission Control Modules are shipped with a base calibration that limits the transmission to first gear.
Every vehicle model must have a PCS validated calibration to install at this point during vehicle assembly. Verify
the proper calibration is installed or program now if necessary.
Position Lever Verification
Move the shift lever through the ranges and verify the actual shift lever position matches the position shown in the
software. This is also a good time to verify any applicable lights illuminate in the proper gear positions.
Throttle Position Sensor
Verify the throttle position reading is zero at when the pedal is not pressed, and 100% when fully depressed. For
a detailed description of TPS installation/assembly requirements reference Section 2.6.