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Ph: 804.227.3023
10511 Old Ridge Rd. Ashland, VA 23005
4LHD/4LHDX Application Manual
Powertrain Control Solutions
REV 1.1
5. Install the oil pan bolts and tighten alternately and evenly to
11 Nm (97 lb in). Reference Figure 2.3.8-8.
6. If previously removed, reinstall the exhaust heat shield.
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Fill the transmission to the proper level with DEXRON® VI
transmission fluid. Refer to Section 2.3.6 for fluid capacity.
9. Check the COLD fluid level reading for initial fill only.
10. Inspect the oil pan gasket for leaks.
11. Test drive vehicle and verify proper transmission operation.
12. Check fluid level when transmission is at operating temperature.
Figure 2.3.8-8