Brought to you by PCS Electronics,
Appendix F: DIGIAMP connector pinout
MAXPRO 50xx+ can read a variety of parameters from the amplifier. These parameters are shown based on signals
received from the amplifier via DIGIAMP connector. Below is the pinout of the max pro 50xx+ DIGIAMP connector:
Fig. 25: DIGIAMP pinout
Below is explanation of internal wiring for our PCS LPF 6000 filter, it shows how directional coupler is wired and how ALC
is wired. You can use this to construct your own ALC circuit with another directional coupler.
TEMP sensor is a 10K NTC resistor, connected to ground. There is also 12K resistor going from this NTC resistor to +5V.
Fig. 26: DIGIAMP wiring for power and ALC