Brought to you by PCS Electronics,
Built-in scheduler allows to user determine automatic switching of transmitting power and frequency according to
predefined scheme. Schemes can be defined on daily or weekly basis. To accomplish this task the PC must be
connected to the transmitter and the program must be running all the time.
Up to 20 controlling lines can be entered into list box. Each line defines transmitting power, frequency and switching
Put a tick at the beggining of each line to make that line active. There can be many lines active if desired.
It is recommended to be careful while entering lines not to make time-overlapping lines active at the same time.
Example: if you define a line on daily basis and at the same time another weekly based line is active the results may
be unpredictable.
You can always enter many lines and then decide which of them should be momentarily active by putting ticks into
Check this box to make the scheduler active in general.
Click Add... button to open Add form to add a new line into list box.
Select desired line first, then click Edit to open Edit form.
Select desired line first, then click Remove to delete it.