SAS Super IAQ” Rev. 1 Pg.
Air-borne micro-organisms are collected on microbiological agar by impaction produced by
Nominal Air Flow Rate:
SAS SUPER IAQ = 100 litres of air per minute
Range of Air Sample Volume:
up to eight other volumes can be selected and memorised by the operator (User Mode).
Maximum volume of air per cycle is 1999 litres.
Battery Pack:
Rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydridate 8,4 Volts – 2700 mAh.
Battery Autonomy:
Aspiration of more than 40.000 litres of air
105x110x290 mm
1750 g
Aspirating Head:
aluminium or stainless steel
antistatic plastic resin
Housing: polyurethane resin
Sampling Efficiency:
The effective sampling efficiency of the SAS SUPER IAQ, in a controlled environment, with
aerosol of known particle size is 100% over 4 microns in size. Considering the normal range of
environmental micro-organisms is between 4 and 20 microns, the SAS SUPER IAQ is suitable
for all normal air monitoring testing (V.LACH – Journal of Hospital Infection, 1985, 6, 102-
107). This condition is obtained using the standard 219 holes aspirationg head.
If, for special applications or research, it is necessary to collect micro-organisms to a size of 1
micron, the 401 holes special aspirating head should be used. This head has smaller holes to
increase the velocity of particles and achieve a 100% capture efficiency on particles down to 1
micron in size.
Acoustic signal:
An acoustic signal alerts the operator when air sampling is completed.
3,0 Volts Flat Battery:
Date and hours are updated even when air sampler is switched off, by a 3V flat battery.