Dear customer, We hope you enjoy your
new appliance. Our products are of a high
technical standard and undergo strict
quality controls. For this reason, the ap-
pliance comes with a warranty under the
following conditions.
The warranty is valid for a period of two
years from the date of purchase.
This warranty covers defects present in
the product at the time of purchase, as
well as manufacturing defects or defects
in materials that become apparent within
two years of the date of purchase. You
must retain your receipt, indicating the
date of purchase, for the warranty. He-
dengren Oy decides, at its discretion, how
to execute the warranty, i.e. whether to
repair the appliance or replace the faulty
appliance with a new one.
The warranty does not cover fragile parts,
such as glass, plastic or bulbs, nor does
it cover minor defects which do not ma-
terially affect the appliance’s value or
functioning. Neither does the warranty
cover damage that is caused by incorrect
installation, inappropriate use, negligen-
ce or neglecting to follow the operating/
assembly manual.
Using the aforementioned warranty ser-
vices does not extend or restart the war-
ranty period.
If you wish to avail yourself of the war-
ranty services, please first contact the
vendor you purchased the product from.
Faulty appliances will be delivered to the
importer’s warranty service.
Oy Hedengren Kodintekniikka Ab
Lauttasaarentie 50
00200 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 20 763 8000
Please have the receipt for your purchase
of the appliance to hand when you cont-
act warranty services.
If the appliance is returned to the im-
porter because of a fault not cove-red by
the warranty, or if there is no fault in the
returned appliance, we reserve the right
to charge you for the costs caused by in-
specting the appliance.
Note: As the purchaser of the app-lian-
ce, you are entitled to certain statutory
rights, which bind you and the retailer.
This warranty does not affect your statu-
tory rights.
Warranty policy