Find the pre-drilled hard point, remove the covering and insert the longer 6” stainless treaded rod
provided and discard the 4” rod.
Install the Dubro fasteners to the rod. Use loc-tite
as shown if you are not planning on using the lock
Now add the control horns placing them at 2-3/4”
centered from the hinge line.
Ensure your rudder servo is centered and mount
your rudder servo arm.
Two JR 8711 servos were used on our test
aircraft. You will need an additional servo arms
to tie the two or three servos together as well as a
servo matching devise.
Install your pull-pull
cable using the 60lbs
leader provided. Please
discard the wire provided
with the Dubro pull-pull
set, as it is not strong
enough for a plane this
size. Cables should be
crossed to avoid any
rubbing on the exits. It is
normal for the non-
pulling side of the cable
to slacken a little when
the rudder is deflected.
Install your tiller springs
you set aside earlier.
Assemble the fuel tank according to the directions provided on the package. You will need to decide
whether you want a two or three-line setup. With a two-line setup you will need an additional “T”