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This function greatly reduces the destruction and penetration of the non-consumable
tungsten electrode into the weld, which is a very negative phenomenon.
The valve on the torch must be opened independently before welding and
closed after the process is complete.
The way to use this function is to touch the electrode to the piece. You can hold the
electrode in this position indefinitely, and when the user considers it ready to start welding
(for example, when the protective mask is on the eyes and the place is well purged with
safety gas), it is just necessary to start SLOWLY raising the tip of the sharpened electrode
from the piece. The machine will detect this moment and will take it as a signal to start the
welding process, thereby it will begin to increase the welding current to the set value. The
higher the main operating current, the faster you need to raise the electrode, otherwise it
will melt. If you do not get it right away and, for example, the tungsten electrode sticks
when you try to raise it, you need to start all over again and at the next attempt to slightly
increase the rate of rising. If there was no attempt to ignite the electrode at all with a small
flash, then it is necessary to slightly decrease the lifting speed at the next approach. For
error-free ignition, you need some time to get used to it. We will consider the time of
smooth current rise [t.uP] up to the set value in the next paragraph.
This function, in addition to saving the electrode life and, to some extent, the torch
itself, is also necessary for easy use of the torch. It eliminates the formation of the initial
splashing of the weld pool, as well as for the set time of smooth current ramp [t.uP]. It is
possible to precisely point the torch to the desired welding spot, since the arc ignition point
in particularly critical products is not always at the welding spot, or even with this function
you can preheat the welding spot. The default setting is "OFF", which is disabled. To
change the value of any function in the current welding mode, see section 6.1.
This function is designed to facilitate the control of the welding process in spatial
positions other than bottom and in the welding of non-ferrous metals. The effect is
directed to the mixing of the molten weld metal and to the drip transfer into the weld pool,
and this in turn affects the stability of the weld formation and the welding process. In other
words, this process to some extent replaces the movements of the welder's hand, which is
especially important in hard-to-reach places. The shape and quality of the weld formation
depends on the correct setting, which reduces the likelihood of pores and reduces the
granularity of the structure, and this increases the strength of the weld.
To implement this function, three parameters must be set in the unit: pulsing power
[Po.P], pulsing frequency [Fr.P] and pulse/pause ratio (or "duty ratio") [dut]. By default, the
pulsing power as a key parameter is in "OFF" position, i.e. the function is disabled, and the
pulsing frequency and "duty ratio" are at the most common values of 10.0Hz and 50%
respectively. To enable the function, it is sufficient to set the pulsing power greater than
zero. This parameter is set as a percentage of the main welding current set.