Natural Language Control
Color Spaces
Complimentary Color Spaces are basically different methods used to describe the
individual components that make up what the eye perceives as color. None of
them are right or wrong. They are individual and each one has its purpose. The
selection of one over the other is primarily a matter of choice. Traditionally,
consoles only allow you to work in the color space native to the light you are
controlling. That is, if you have Red, Green and Blue LED lights, you would be
working in the additive RGB space. If you have RGBW lights, you'd need to work
with four colors. Working with five or even more sources can get out of hand
quickly when we're all used to a tristimulus world. White-sourced lights mix
colors with Cyan, Magenta and Yellow dichroics and work in the subtractive CMY
space. Some solid state lights actually expect attribute data in Hue, Saturation
and Luminance and this can be problematic when you want to fade from a hue of
5% to a hue of 80% as this will show you most of the rainbow; not very subtle!
Even though some consoles have color-pickers that allow you to quickly grab any
colors, at the end of the day, they generally fading from one triplet of CMY (or
RGB or HSL etc.) to another when they run cues.
Natural Langue Control allows you to choose
and fade in different color spaces:
RGB, CMY, HSV (Subtle) and HSV (Rainbow). Having the ability to choose ANY
light and work in these spaces is a real benefit because in the old days of DMX512
controllers, you would have to first pick the RGB lights and set them with your
wheels, then pick the CMY lights and set them. If you mixed the two types of color
systems, they 'fought' each other and doing that can quickly destroy the art on
stage. Choosing a color is one thing, but fading from one scene to another in
different color spaces can unify a diverse lighting rig with better synchronicity
than ever before.
This is how a fade looks in the RGB space fading from purple to green. Mid way
between Cue 1 and Cue 2, all of the RGB LEDs come on brighter than when
producing a saturated color and the fixture 'bloom' towards white (less