This test allows the operator to verify that the auxiliary inputs used for position
proportioning (slidewire) feedback or remote setpoint is functioning properly. A variable
voltage source, 5 VDC will be required to execute this test. With tSt9 displayed, press and
hold the DOWN key then press the SCROLL key. The Auxiliary input voltage will be dis-
played to the nearest hundredth of a volt. Connect the +5V source across the Auxiliary input
terminals (terminals 8 and 5) and adjust the voltage. Verify that the voltage
displayed changes accordingly. The displayed voltage should be typically 0 - 5VDC
volts. To terminate the test, press the SCROLL key. The display will show tSt9.
The existence of the auxiliary input tested in Test 9 depends upon the hardware
configuration as indicated by the model number.
(Communications Option only)
This test allows the operator to verify that the communications hardware is functioning
properly. With tStA displayed, press and hold the DOWN key then press the SCROLL key.
The display will indicate SEnd. Each time the DOWN key is depressed, the unit will toggle
between SEnd and rEC (receive). With the desired function selected, depress the SCROLL
In the SEnd (send or transmit) mode, the instrument will repeat the following sequence.
First, the transmitter will go logic 1 for one second. Next, the transmitter will change the
logic level to 0 for one second. Then, the transmitter will be disabled for one second. In the
rEC mode, the transmitter will be disabled. In either mode, the instrument will monitor the
line logic level. The display will be rEC0 when a logic 0 is on the line . The display will be
rEC1 when logic 1 is on the line. In the SEnd mode, the unit will display rEC when the
transmitter is disabled.
To perform an internal test to verify the operation of the hardware, place the instrument in
the Send mode. Verify that the display cycles through rEC1, rEC0, and rEC. To verify that
the transmitter functions properly, two LED’s, each with a current limiting resistor, can be
connected to the communications terminals, with their polarities connected opposite of each
other. The following three states will be produced: one LED on, then the other LED on, then
both off. Alternately, a load resistor can be placed on the terminals, the voltage generated
across the load resistor is as follows: > +3 VDC then > -3VDC and then 0 VDC. The terminals
used are 7 & 8.
Another test method, would be to connect one or more instruments in the Receive mode to an
instrument in the Send mode. The instruments in the Receive mode should have their display
alternating in sync with the instrument that is in the Send mode. When the sending unit
displays rEC, the receiving units should display rE1.
To terminate the test, press the SCROLL key for one second. Upon exit, tStA will be dis-