Auto Purger Model V200
Product Bulletin 75-00 J
Contact Information:
Parker Hannifi n Corporation
Refrigerating Specialties Division
2445 South 25th. Avenue
Broadview, IL 60155-3891
phone (708) 681-6300
fax (708) 681-6306
Pressure Rating: 21 bar (305 psig)
The Model V200 Auto Purger is
a unique energy-saving device
designed to effi ciently remove
foreign non-condensable gases from
ammonia refrigeration systems.
Product Features:
Smaller compact design with
equivalent capacity of our current
Light weight 29.5 kg (65 lbs)
Proprietary microprocessor control
for all sensing and control functions
Factory calibrated and wired
Auto or manual cycling capabilities
Up to 20 “Purge Points”
Automatically adjusts vent pressures
Energy saving sleep mode that
will activate with lack of non-
Electronic level, temperature, and
pressure monitoring for improved
Records number of purger cycles
and times for each purge point
during a 7 day period
Purger is made of corrosion
resistant material