1.4.4 Filters
Prefilters and afterfilters can take many forms but are normally of
the mechanical type, aluminum metal mesh and encased in an alu-
minum frame. Filters provide even air distribution and collect large
1.4.5 Junction Boxes
PSG mounted junction boxes are equipped with terminal strips for
115 VAC single phase power entry. On factory-assembled systems,
three phase field connection is usually to a single point to a unit
Main Electrical Panel or a unit Blower Panel. Refer to unit System
Layout Drawings and unit Electrical Drawings which define the re-
quired field installation for each application.
1.4.6 Other Equipment
The PSG may be supplied with in-place cleaning, inlet plenum with
baffle filters or aluminum filters, outlet plenums, pre piped for fire
protection, carbon or potassium permanganate odor filters, skid
mounted, insulated enclosure, cooling/heating coils, and blower.
System components may be shipped skid mounted, or as sub-
assemblies. Planning is required to understand the scope of the
installation, from handling to assembly to the connection of utilities.
2.2 Clearances
2.2.1 Component Access
A clearance of 36” is recommended for maintenance and compo-
nent removal/installation to the access door(s) side, refer to unit
System Layout Drawing for clearances.
2.2.2 Electrical Enclosure Access
A minimum of 18” is required from overhead obstructions to
allow access to electrical top boxes. A side clearance of 48”
usually is recommended for access to electrical panels, refer to
NEC for specified clearance.
2. Installation Planning
Prior to receipt of equipment, drawings should be reviewed and
plans completed for handling and installation. Site selection, sup-
port structure, utilities, drains, ductwork and work sequence need
to be coordinated.
96, Removal of Smoke and Grease Laden Vapor from Commer-
cial Cooking Equipment
Unit electrical panels provide the necessary electrical
interlocks and controls for the PSG. If electrical control
panels supplied by others are not per Parker specifica-
tions the PSG is operating in an UNSAFE mode, voiding
the warranty.
The following are general guidelines.
2.1 Location
Systems should be located as near as possible to the emission
source, but with consideration given to utility proximity and safe
maintenance access. Indoor location is preferred since it eliminates
climate associated problems such as servicing the system, heat
traced/insulated wash water and drain pipes or an insulated sys-
2.2.3 Bottom Working Clearance
Plumbing access should be at least 18” beneath the unit.
2.3 Supports
2.3.1 Skidded Systems
Lifting points for skid mounted PSG Series systems are illustrated
to the unit System Layout Drawings including installation notes.
Field structural support design is the responsibility of the installer.
Good design practice should be followed in allowing adequate
clearance for plumbing, conduit installation, and maintenance.
2.3.2 Unskidded Systems
When PSG Series components are shipped unassembled, care
should be taken to provide adequate bearing support on the field
support structure.
Ducting and accessories attached to the PSG unit
should be independently supported.
2.3.3 Utilities/Drains
Mechanical, electrical service requirements and system entry points
are clearly marked on the unit System Layout Drawing and unit Elec-
trical Drawings. The PSG main drain pipe should be have a drain
trap. Refer to Figure 5. When a PSG is equipped with In Place Clean-
ing, operating water pressure (working pressure), flow rates (gpm)
and hot water specified are based on factory testing, refer to unit
System Layout Drawing or In Place Cleaning Owner’s Manual for
specifications. Failure to achieve In Place Cleaning specifications will
result in an ineffective wash cycle, increasing system maintenance
costs. If the PSG is located outside and there are climate associated
problems (32°F or below), exposed piping wash/drain including so-
lenoid valves should be heat traced and insulated. Do not heat trace
the solenoid valve coil.
2.3.4 Ducting
Quality ducting is important system performance. Sealed connec-
tions prevent air and liquid leakage during operation. Welded duct
connections are required with ducting pitched towards the PSG.
Duct design air velocities are typically 1,500 to 2,500 FPM. Gas-
kets and sealant, where used, should be compatible with the mate-
rial collected and the temperature of the airstream. Wet airstreams
(high humidity) typically require insulation to prevent condensation.