• Place all the parts in the disinfection solution.
• Allow the solution to take effect as indicated in the instruc-
tions for use of the disinfectant.
• Thoroughly rinse the parts under hygienically tested water
and leave them to dry completely on a clean, dry and ab-
sorbent surface.
The method has been validated using an aldehyde-containing
– Korsolex
Basic 4% (Bode)
– Treatment time: 15 minutes
Manual cleaning with disinfection
The following chemical process may also be used as an altern-
ative to the mechanical process:
– Cleaning disinfectant (a combination product for cleaning
and disinfection in a single work step)
– Warm water
– Basin
• Prepare the cleaning and disin-
fectant solution in the basin in
accordance with the manufac-
turer's instructions. The quant-
ity of solution required de-
pends on the number of
nebulisers to be cleaned.
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