© Bueno Systems, Inc. • TSL1401-DB (2009.10.01)
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SETEXP CON $EE 'Set exposure to byte (1 - 255) following: 0.27 - 68mS.
ACQGRAY CON $A0 'Acquire and dump a grayscale image.
ACQBIN CON $A4 'Acquire a binary image.
ACQAND CON $A1 'Acquire binary image ANDed w/ previous.
ACQOR CON $A2 'Acquire binary image ORed w/ previous.
ACQXOR CON $A3 'Acquire binary image XORed w/ previous.
ACQANDNOT CON $A5 'Acquire binary image ANDed w/ NOT prev.
ACQORNOT CON $A6 'Acquire binary image ORed w/ NOT prev.
ACQXORNOT CON $A7 'Acquire binary image XORed w/ NOT prev.
XTRIG CON $08 'External trigger flag, ORed to ACQ commands.
CNTNEW CON $C8 'Count pixels/edges between new bounds.
CNTNXT CON $C0 'Count pixels/edges between current bounds.
FNDNEW CON $F8 'Find first pixel/edge between new bounds.
FNDNXT CON $F0 'Find first pixel/edge between current bounds.
'Modifiers, ORed to CNTNEW, CNTNXT, FNDNEW, and FNDNXT.
NXT CON $00 'Continue from where last CNT or FND left off.
BKWD CON $04 'Search backward.
FWD CON $00 'Search forward.
DRKPIX CON $00 'Target is a dark pixel.
BRTPIX CON $02 'Target is a bright pixel.
DRKEDG CON $03 'Target is a bright-to-dark edge.
BRTEDG CON $01 'Target is a dark-to-bright edge.
DUMPADR CON $DA 'Dump data, beginning at addr, and until reset.
'Address constants for single byte arg following DUMPADR.
PIXELS CON $00 'Beginning of binary pixel buffer (32 bytes).
RESULTS CON $20 'Beginning of results buffer.
MINPIX CON $20 'Value of darkest pixel (0 - 255).
MINLOC CON $21 'Location of darkest pixel (0 - 127).
MAXPIX CON $22 'Value of brightest pixel (0 - 255).
MAXLOC CON $23 'Location of brightest pixel (0 - 127).
AVGPIX CON $24 'Average pixel value (0 - 255).
DUMPID CON $DD 'Dump the firmware ID (returns 3 bytes).
DUMPFLAGS CON $DF 'Dump error flags (returns 1 byte).
'Bit positions in returned byte.
BADCMD CON $80 'Unrecognized command.
CANTBUF CON $40 'Attempt to buffer unbufferable command.
CMDOVF CON $20 'Command buffer overflow.
DATOVF CON $10 'Result data buffer overflow.
' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
flags VAR Byte
busy VAR Bit
' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
PAUSE 10 'Wait for AVR to finish reset.