© Bueno Systems, Inc. • TSL1401-DB (2009.10.01)
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Operation with the MoBoStamp-pe
The TSL1401-DB is designed to plug into the MoBoStamp-pe. Though it will work in either socket, it is
recommended that socket “B” be used in order to make socket “A” available for interface-type
daughterboards requiring access to Vin. In all the examples included here, socket “B” is assumed (and
sometimes required). Here’s a photo of the TSL1401-DB plugged into the MoBoStamp-pe, socket “B”:
Loading the TSL1401R Driver Firmware
Before plugging in the TSL1401-DB, you will first want to load the firmware driver for it into the
coprocessor associated with socket “B”. Be sure you’ve downloaded the program “LoadAVR.exe” from the
Parallax website, as well as the hex file for the TSL1401R driver, “TSL1401DB01.hex”. Connect your
MoBoStamp-pe to the PC’s USB port, and then run LoadAVR.exe. Select “TSL1401DB01.hex” as the file to
upload and socket “B” as the destination. Then click “Upload”. Once the file has uploaded successfully,
you can plug the TSL1401-DB into its socket.
TSL1401-DB Monitor Program
There is a Windows PC host program that will let you see what the TSL1401-DB sees in real time. It’s
called “TSL1401_monitor.exe”, and it can be downloaded for free from the Parallax website. Just copy it
to the directory of your choice.
With the MoBoStamp-pe/TSL1401-DB (the “camera”) connected to your PC’s USB port, start up the
monitor program. After it makes a connection, it will upload its own PBASIC code,
which replaces any
program currently in memory
. Then you should see something like what appears on the next page.
Starting from the top, here are some points of interest in the display, some of which will be discussed in
more detail later:
Scan Window:
Every scan from the camera gets appended to this image, from right to left,
circulating back to the left edge when the screen is filled. By slowly rotating the camera on the
motherboard’s short axis, you can obtain a two-dimensional “scene”. The bottom pixels in this
window correspond to the leftmost pixels obtained in each scan.
Trigger/Sync Control:
Scans can be free-running, triggered, or gated. Triggering and gating
are controlled by Pin 3, which is a BS2pe port common to both daughterboards. When triggering
is set, a high-to-low edge on Pin 3 will cause a single scan to be acquired. When gating is set,
scans will be obtained continuously while Pin 3 is low. Using the “Ext. Sync” button, scans can
also be synchronized to an external source. The signal for this is obtained from the onboard 6-pin