Issue 2 May 1995
If the modems are having trouble passing data after connecting,
check the recommendations and solutions to this problem in
Table A-5.
Table A-5. Online Operation
Data is scrambled
Use your communications software to verify that
the character format (data bits, parity, and stop
bits) is set to the same value in both modems.
Refer to page 3-4 for supported formats.
Missing data during
a transfer
Verify that you are using the same method of flow
control for both the modem and the computer
If using XON/XOFF flow control, verify that the
modem’s parity matches the computer’s parity.
Refer to page 3-4 for information on supported
data character formats.
Garbage characters
appear on your
monitor when your
modem connects to
another modem
Your modem is not using error control and the
other modem is using error control. The garbage
characters are part of the error control
handshaking sequence.
Verify that you are using the same method of flow
control for both the modem and the computer
Modem hangs up,
but does not
indicate a hang up
Make sure that the &D2 command is set.
Make sure that the &C1 command is set so that
when the CD signal turns Off, the modem hangs
Table A-6 focuses on problems you may experience during fax
Table A-6. Fax Operation
Modem cannot send
or receive a fax
Make sure the modem and PCMCIA socket are
configured for modem operation.
Refer to the
Fax Operation section of Chapter 3
or your fax application software user’s guide for
more information.