Using Your Modem
Issue 2 May 1995
Figure 3-1. Dial Data Network
Understanding Your Modem’s
Operating Modes (Command
and Data)
Before a modem connects with another modem over a
telephone line, it is in Command mode. Command mode is an
idle state where you can enter commands to change how the
modem functions or to cause the modem to perform an action,
such as dialing a telephone number. You send commands to
your modem by using a communications software package and
your computer’s keyboard.
Once two modems are connected (also known as ‘online’), they
automatically switch to Data mode. In Data mode, any
information sent from the computer to the modem is
data (as
opposed to a
command) and is transferred to the remote
modem. The two modems stay in Data mode until the
connection is broken or until they are forced into online
Command mode using the escape sequence (described
below). When the modem is in online Command mode, you can
enter commands to the modem, without your entries being
mistaken for data. (The connection between the two modems is
not broken.)