Auxiliary Mitre Fence for Super Gehrfix
The auxiliary mitre fence is an additional fence to the
existing cross-cut fence.
The unit can be combined with the cross-cut and mitre
fences “
Super Gehrfix I
20.4) and
Super Gehrfix
20.5). It allows easy adjustment of the length
when producing acute and obtuse angles.
The device is used to stop and cut mitres to length
without damage and has an adjustable angle and a
fixed offset of 100 mm to the flip stop.
Figure 74: Auxiliary mitre fence
By using this auxiliary fence, the length dimension of a workpiece cut at an angle is already automatically cor-
rect (exactly as if it would be cut straight at the standard right-angled flip stop).
Operating the Auxiliary Mitre Fence
Figure 75: Operating the auxiliary mitre fence
The auxiliary fence has two clamping levers:
Clamping lever (
) is used to fix the fence in the
groove along the guide unit.
After loosening clamping lever (
), the device
can be rotated to adjust the desired angle of
the workpiece.
Standard Mitre Fence
The optionally available standard mitre fence is fixed to the slide table by a clamping lever and can be swiv-
elled on both sides. It has a degree scale from 45° to 60° in the slide table groove and is equipped with an ex-
tendable cross-cut fence up to 2000 mm and a flip stop.
With the additional angle scale in the
groove of the slide table, the angle degrees
to be set can be read off.
To do this, loosen the clamping lever in
the slotted hole of the angle plate and
move the stop to the desired position.
Then tighten the lever again and re-
lease the cut.
The other clamping lever is used to set
the cross-cut flip stop.
Figure 76: Standard mitre fence