Quik & Quik GT450 Aircraft Operating Instructions
March 2007
Issue 1
Page 62 of 68
Rigging tool shown inserted in rear of keel.
Make sure that:
a) The tang is located in the stud recess.
b) The tensioner cables are not twisted.
c) The safety pin secures the cable onto the stud and is re-fitted correctly into restraint cable stud.
With the crossboom now tensioned, disconnect the rigging tool pulley from the keyhole tang and
remove the rigging tool from the rear of the keel. Ensure that the previously fitted ribs are pushed
FULLY home and that the upper and lower elastics are fitted to all ribs.
Locate the washout tubes onto the sockets, ensuring they are seated firmly down to the limit.
Damage to airframe components, the sail and fittings
may result if you tension the crossboom with rigging
or airframe components caught up. Investigate
immediately if undue resistance is felt. Remember,
the pulley system multiplies the force applied to the
cables by 6.
The rigging tool must be removed before flight
and before attempting to start the engine.
If the rigging tool is not removed, the propeller
will strike it.