User Manual For Cyclone LC Programmers
Figure 6-11: Specify Object File To Load
Next, the user would add additional programming functions to complete the programming script by
selecting programming operation commands from the Programming Sequence area. See
6.1.4 - Programming Operations
for a description of these commands. The commands can
added by double-clicking them, or by selecting them and using the arrow (->). Commands can also
be removed or resequenced; see
Section - Function Buttons
Figure 6-12: Add Programming Functions
Script Wizard
Another method that can be used to create a programming sequence is the Launch Script Wizard
Launch Script Wizard removes any commands that are already in the programming sequence
window and begins a new sequence.
The Launch Script Wizard button will automatically prompt the user for a programming algorithm,
followed by an object file, and then adds commands (EN - Erase if not blank, PM - Program
module, VC - Verify Checksum) to create a default programming script. The user can then use the
programming commands on the left and function buttons to modify the programming sequence as
Function Buttons
The arrow (->) will add the selected programming commands to the end of the programming
sequence. Double-clicking the command has the same effect.
The Clear Script button will remove all programming commands from the right panel.
The Move Up and Move Down buttons allow the user to manually re-sequence the order of the