Loading a Database
In order to copy a configured database from MPU955A Admin Console onto the NSS
Main CPU, an administrator would need to use the Database Transfer section’s “PUT to
CPU” option.
Although not mandatory, first saving the current database residing on the CPU would
allow for a manual comparison of any differences prior to loading the new database.
MPU955A Admin Console itself cannot detect differences. (Unless this is a first time
PUTting a configuration database onto the NSS CPU will overwrite its
entire existing database. It is recommended that you GET and save the
database currently running on the Main CPU under a distinctive name
before loading a new database.
The following instruction will guide you through loading a database from MPU955A
Admin Console to the CPU.
the Getting the Current Database section on page 25 to
save the database that is currently loaded in the CPUs.
Select the name of the database to load by clicking on the
file name
From the drop-down menu, select the proper CPU, by number and IP
For a redundant CPU system, you must load the database onto both CPUs to ensure they
are each using the same configuration.
For single CPU systems, choose 01A.