Replicating an Operator Definition
Highlight a configured operator ID and click the Replicate Record
A confirmation message will appear asking “Are you sure you want to REPLICATE this
Operator?” and explaining the replication rules:
[1] Records will be generated according to ID.
[2] ID will be incremented to the next available value.
[3] If a record already exists with a matching value for any of these unique fields, that
Target assignment will be skipped.
[4] All other record values will be identical to the Source record.
Click Yes to continue or No to cancel
The copy source is the highlighted operator ID from which the subsequent operators will
be copied.
Enter the Target range of operator ID numbers, with the beginning number
in the START box, and the ending number in the END box
Click the green check mark to add the series of operators, or click the red X
to cancel
After clicking the green check mark, a message will appear letting you know how many
records were actually generated, indicating if any records were skipped.
of page 66.
Operator IDs existing within the specified range will not be overwritten.
The maximum number of operators that can be defined for the system is
The default password for replicated each operator is the same as the
replicated operator’s ID number. The default name for each replicated
operator is “Operator #”, where “#” is the operator’s ID number.