Indicates that username was changed.
Chagned password.
Indicates that password was changed.
CPU drop the packet. (xx Bytes)
Indicates that the packet to CPU was dropped.
Runtime code changes.
Indicates that runtime code was changed.
Configuration file download.
Indicates that the receiving the configuration from TFTP
server, and was applied to running-config.
Configuration file upload.
Indicates that the sending running-config to TFTP server.
Configuration changed.
Indicates that the configuration was saved.
Reboot: Normal.
Indicates that Switching Hub was rebooted.
Reboot: Factory Default.
Indicates that Switching Hub was rebooted in the mode to
return all settings to the factory default.
Reboot: Factory Default Except IP.
Indicates that Switching Hub was rebooted in the mode to
return settings other than IP address to the factory default.
Start reboot timer (xxx sec)
Indicates that started the reboot timer.
Stop reboot timer
Indicates that stopped the reboot timer.
Cleared system log
Indicates that System log was cleared.
Watch dog timer is expired.
Indicates that Watch dog timer was expired.
Cannot write in Flash (addr: 0x0000000000)
Indicates that cannot write in FLASH.
Cannot read in Flash (addr: 0x0000000000)
Indicates that cannot read in FLASH.
Cannot access to temperature sensor.
Indicates that cannot access to temperature sensor.
System exception in thread:THREAD freeMem:FREE_MEM!
System information indicating that exception handler is called
in the Switching Hub. THREAD indicates the thread name,
and FREE_MEM indicates the free memory capacity.
Duplication of IP address: IP ADDRESS (MAC ADDRESS).