EN - 17
EN - 16
Installation Example
Back surface
service space
Standard installation
The gas cooler is designed to take air from 3 directions,
including the front, left and right side, and blow out from
the top.
(1) Secure a service space of 500 mm or more on the
front and left sides.
(2) Secure a service space of 300 mm or more on the
back and right sides.
When there's an obstacle in the
upward direction
When there's an obstacle in the
upward direction, the installation
should not cause a short cycle of the
gas cooler air exhaust.
When installing a roof, it should
be located at a distance of 1.5 m
or more with an upward slope, as
illustrated on the right.
Protection in the snowfall areas
(1) Install a snow protection shed at the air outlet of the
gas cooler. (On-site installation)
(2) The entire refrigeration unit should not be
surrounded by accumulated snow.
Installation example
Front surface
service space
Left side
service space
Right side
service space
1.5 m or more
When a wall exists on one side
When a wall exists on two sides
When a wall exists on four sides
When a wall exists on three sides
Serial installation
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Left side
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
Front surface
service space
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm
or more
500 mm or more
500 mm or more
500 mm or more
300 mm or more
300 mm or more
500 mm or more
500 mm or more
300 mm or more
300 mm or more
500 mm or more
300 mm or more
500 mm or more
500 mm or more
300 mm or more
500 mm or more
300 mm or more
1. Provide an air intake opening of 4 m
or greater at
the lower part.
2. The wall height must be up to the unit height.
500 mm
or more
01_OCU-CR1000VF8A.indd 16
2019/08/27 10:56:06