4 Make parameter settings in PANATERM
Pr4.05 (Function assignment for pin 29 of X4 connector)
PANATERM parameter: “SI6 input selection”
Setting range: 0 to 16777215
The default value is 197379: servo-on input
Select 0 to disable the default pin assignment.
Pr5.29 (RS232C baud rate)
Set this parameter if the servo driver is connected via RS232C.
PANATERM parameter: “RS232 communication baud rate setting”
Setting range: 0 to 7 (2400 to 230400bit/s)
The default value is 2 (9600bit/s).
Make sure the baud rate setting in the PLC program and in the servo driver are identical. In
this example, select 6: 115200bit/s.
Pr5.30 (RS485 baud rate)
Set this parameter if the servo driver is connected via RS485.
PANATERM parameter: “RS485 communication baud rate setting”
Setting range: 0 to 7 (2400 to 230400bit/s)
The default value is 2 (9600bit/s).
Make sure the baud rate setting in the PLC program and in the servo driver are identical. In
this example, select 6: 115200bit/s.
Pr5.31 (Axis number)
PANATERM parameter: “Axis number”
Setting range: 0 to 127
The default value is 1.
Select a value between 1 and 127. 0 is not accepted with Modbus RTU. Make sure the axis
number setting in the PLC program and in the servo driver are identical. In this example, set
axis 1.