Utilizing pictures
Printing pictures
You can print many pictures on one sheet, or arrange many thumbnails together and print them together with various information.
Pictures that can be printed are still pictures in BMP, JPEG and TIFF format.
(In the case of Windows 7 and Windows Vista only, pictures in RAW format (extension .RW2) can be printed; however, the printing process
might take some time. Moreover, sometimes printing may not be processed depending on the data.)
Up to 1,000 pictures can be printed at one time.
Here, the procedure for printing one picture on one sheet of paper is described.
Connect a printer to the PC and perform the Windows printer
If you want to properly align the direction of text information to be
printed such as the date with the picture, rotate the picture the
right way up.
The [Print] screen is displayed.
You can also display it by selecting [Output] → [Print] from the
Select a picture by selecting its check
box and click [Execute].
The print window is displayed.
To set the information to print
To set the printer
To print multiple pictures on one sheet of paper
To print many thumbnails on one sheet of paper
To print file information or camera information next to pictures
To print recorded pictures in SIMPLE MODE
Select [Print 1 picture on a page].
Select the direction of the paper.