Adding date and title information to a picture
Processing still pictures
Up to 3 lines are burned in to the bottom right of the picture, in the
order of recording date, number of travel days or age in months/years,
and title information.
No further information may be burned in for pictures to which date or
title information has already been burned in using the digital camera’s
[DATE STAMP] or [TEXT STAMP] functions.
(If there are pictures with the date and title information burned-in by
other than the [DATE STAMP] and the [TEXT STAMP] functions,
the message will not appear, so check the contents carefully before
performing the burn-in.)
The color and size of the characters used for the burned-in date and
title information cannot be changed.
When burn-in is performed, the picture quality may deteriorate.
The date may not be properly burned-in to pictures if the date was
not set on the digital camera when the picture was taken or if it was
recorded by a digital camera not manufactured by Panasonic.
Click [Save Settings].
: Overwrites the original picture.
: Save in the same folder as the original picture.
: Save in a different folder. Click [Browse] and select the
save destination.
Click [Execute].
When the confirmation message is
displayed, click [Yes].
A picture is created with information such as the date or title
burned in according to the settings.
About the confirmation message for print retouching
When overwrite original picture is set in [Save Settings], a
confirmation message is displayed to warn that the print
retouching information will be lost.
When [Yes] is clicked, an original picture is overwritten by a
picture with burned-in information such as the date or title.
Click [OK].
Click [Close].