SDD - Getting Started Guide
SDD Software
The following information will aid you to identify the level of software SDD is currently
operating on and possible updates available. Please read the information fully before carrying
out any of the advised actions.
Checking the Installed Level of SDD DVD Software on the Machine
To identify the level of SDD DVD software your machine is running, use the information
displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen to check the installed level of the SDD DVD,
the software update and the Software Management Package (SWMP) version levels:
Complete the required steps to enable SDD access to TOPIx services. Go to: ‘
Go to the bottom left of the screen.
Example ‘DVD137.03 V166’
137 is the number of the DVD installed, this will change when a new DVD is released
and installed
03 is the number of the software update installed, this will change when a new
software update is released and installed
V166 is the number of SWMP version, this will change when a new software
management pack is released and installed
Now check the SDD software level on the machine matches the software level identified on
TOPIx. Please now follow the next procedure:
Using TOPIx to Identify the Latest Level of SDD