2. Feed the stainless cable through the pulley on the top corner of the extension module and
pull the cable toward the ground until the carabiner rests on the pulley (Figure 12).
Figure 12
Cable pulled through side pulley
3. Slide the other end of the stainless cable through the small hole located inside the friction
wheel. Connect the cable lock to the cable by sliding it over the cable and fastening the two
flat head screws secure it to the cable. This will prevent the cable from disconnecting from the
friction wheel. (Figure 13)
Figure 13
Cable fastened by cable lock.
4. Using a ladder, pull the end of cable that has carabiner through large center pulley on hoist
frame directly above extension module
5. Feed cable down from the center pulley until the stainless cable with carabiner attached is at
the inside bottom of the base module. Open each of the doors on the base module by pulling
the black locking pin toward you and turning the latch to the side (Figure 14).
Figure 14
Doors being opened