SCA 1200HT User Manual
9.3: Disposing of Solution
Used solution must be disposed of under applicable local waste disposal regulations.
It is
the responsibility of the user to determine and verify what the local disposal
regulations are and to follow those regulations.
Proper disposal requires that the alkalinity (pH) of the solution be reduced to allowable
levels before it is disposed of. The pH may be lowered by either diluting the solution or by
neutralizing it by adding an acid. Litmus paper or an alternative method of measuring pH
levels should be used to determine if the pH level is within allowable levels before disposal.
If you used the WaterWorks Soluble Concentrate, it is recommended that you dilute the
solution at a ratio of 5 parts clean water to 1 part used solution. More dilution may be
required, please check your local regulations.
If you are using Ecoworks cleaning agent, a dilution ratio of 1 part water to 1 part used
solution is sufficient for most applications. More dilution may be required, please check
your local regulations.
If you are ever unsure as to which solution was used in your SCA, assume that the
WaterWorks Soluble Concentrate was used and dilute accordingly.
9.4: Inspecting and Cleaning Drain Strainer
The strainer should be cleaned every time the tank is refilled so it is clear of debris. You
should never remove the strainer when the tank is full of dirty liquid. Doing so will allow
debris to get into the drain tube.
The proper gloves and eyewear should always be worn when cleaning and removing the
strainer. Never place your face near the tank when removing the lid - vapors from the
cleaning solution may cause eye and respiratory irritation.
Figure 12: Strainer Removal
To remove the drain strainer, simply lift it up and out of the tank drain.
To clean debris from the strainer, scrub it with a nylon brush or a tooth brush and rinse
with warm water. Make sure that all holes are unplugged.
9.5: Inspecting and cleaning the pump intake screen
The pump intake screen may become clogged with debris. This will noticeably reduce the
flow in the tank.