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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 76 of 463
Three Phase Output
The wiring requirements for three phase loads (WYE or DELTA) are shown in Figure 5-12 and
Figure 5-13.
The output power is taken from the terminal block located on the rear panel of the chassis
labeled "OUTPUT POWER". This Output configuration is set for FORM 3 (Three-phase) when
these types of load are connected.
This power form has a direct-coupled voltage range of 0-135 Vac L-N. WYE loads are
connected to "φA," "φB," "φC," and "
N" terminals as shown in Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13.
In the case of DELTA loads, the "N" terminal is not used.
The "CHS" terminal must always be connected to the chassis of the load. Since the output is
isolated, any output terminal (direct-coupled output only) may be connected to chassis.
This allows the user to re-establish a local ground for the output. The output (preferably
Neutral) must be referenced to chassis somewhere. Unless demanded otherwise by a
particular application, Pacific Power Source recommends that a jumper be installed across
the "N" and "CHS" terminals of the Output Terminal block.
The "N" terminal of the Output Power Terminal Block must always be connected to the
"CHS" terminal when using transformer-coupled outputs. Refer to Section 5.12.5 for special
considerations when using transformer-coupled output forms. Refer to Section 5.12.4 for
connection of the External Sense Input, when used.
It is the user's responsibility to meet all local and national electrical codes when
installing this equipment.