5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the opposite side wall.
6. On the firebox floor, place an "A" brick in each corner and insert one "B" brick as shown in Figure 19.
7. Place an "A" brick in front of the left side "A" brick located at the rear of the firebox floor and slide it back
so that both "A" bricks are touching. Then place one "D" brick behind the ash dump and between the "A"
brick and "B" brick (Figure 20).
8. Place a "C" brick on the firebox floor in front of the ash dump and up against the "A" brick located on the
left side of the firebox floor (Figure 21).
9. Finish by placing two "A" bricks on the right side of the firebox floor followed by the remaining "D" brick
placed in the center of the firebox in front of the "B" brick.
Note: there will be one full sized "A" brick left over as a spare.
Figure 19: Back row floor A and B bricks.
Figure 20: Left side A brick and D brick behind ash dump.
Figure 21: C brick in front of ash dump.
Figure 22: Final A and D bricks in place.
Neo 2.5 LE_14119-32