Getting started
Using Instant Rewind
If the Instant Rewind feature is switched on (see pages 51 to 52), at any
moment while you are watching TV, you can rewind the programme
you are watching to catch something you missed.
To start Instant Rewind, press
on your FOXTEL remote
control. Depending on your settings, you can rewind up to 60
minutes before live TV. You can increase the rewind speed by
again. (To slow down the rewind speed, press
fast forward.)
When you reach the point you want to watch from, press
A symbol briefly displays on-screen (see right). The number
shows the number of minutes you are ‘behind’ the actual live TV
You can continue watching the entire programme from that point -
your FOXTEL PDR will continue recording until the end of the
programme. Or you can press
fast forward
to catch up with normal
TV again.
While you are watching an Instant Rewind recording, symbols display
on your TV screen to show you what is happening (see page 78), and
the lights on the playback indicator light up (see page 62).
You can press
at any point to stop Instant Rewind and
resume normal TV viewing. When you stop Instant Rewind, the
recording is deleted.
If you change channel, or select TV Guide, Box Office, Active or your
Personal Planner, this will also stop and delete Instant Rewind.
Closed Captions are not available whilst you are using Instant Rewind.
Instant Rewind
Playback symbol