Speed modes
The device supports four flight speed modes. Press the flight speed button to switch between slow, normal
and fast mode as well as the continuous stunts mode. The current speed mode is indicated by a number of the
beep sounds. Mode 1 - slow mode - one beep; Mode 2 - normal mode - two beeps; Mode 3 - fast mode - three
beeps; Mode 4 - continuous stunts mode - beeps at regular intervals. When in mode 4, move the right stick in
the direction you want your drone to perform 360-degree stunts.
How to turn on/off the headless mode?
Press the throttle t (indicated in the picture). The LED indicators
start to blink indicating that the drone is in the HEADLESS mode. If you
want to switch your drone back to the normal control mode, press the
same button again.
In this mode, to make the operation of the drone easier, the forward flight direction is set regardless of
the drone position.
If you want to set the front side of the drone anew, you must turn the device off and configure it again.
Before you start to fly, the drone must be calibrated. Then,
once you press the "throttle trimmer -", the drone starts to
fly in the direction opposite to the first motion made after
the start (if the first movement is e.g. flying left, once you
press the
“Back home” button the drone will fly to the right,
regardless of its current position). In order to abort the
"Back home" mode, just move the direction stick.
Note: the drone has NO autoland and autobrake
function. In order to do so, you need to control the
device manually.
In order to use an android or iOS smartphone as an FPV screen please complete the following steps:
Download the „TOY LAB FPV” app from “Play” store or „App store” and install it.
Enable Wi-Fi in your mobile phone.
Turn on the Wi-Fi camera in your X-Bee Drone.