Combined with a flowmeter and a shutoff valve, the batch controller passes a predetermined amount of the
process fluid in batching operations. Built around a single chip microprocessor, this versatile, compact, and
lightweight controller is designed for ease of operation. It saves time and effort in many processes, such as
blending materials, dosing with additives, transferring materials from one tank to another, or shipping from
an outlet, at chemical, food, paint plants or elsewhere where streamlined production lines are desired.
2.1 Features and Functions
(1) Easy operation.
Front panel key switches for batch setup, start, stop, and reset for accurate operations.
(2) Accurate batch control.
Valve control output comes in two steps to open and shut off the valve for far more accurate metering
than with a single batch control output.
(3) Simple system configuration.
Can control the system with start, stop, and reset signal arriving from a remotely located point. Also
available is an end-of-batch signal. All these make interlocking with other control systems simple.
(4) Increased process safety.
Valve opens and shuts off in two steps (reducing the initial velocity); this arrangement prevents not
only static electricity generation in the pipeline or in the tank at startup, but also water hammer, or
hydraulic shock, to the pipeline at valve closure.
If trouble occurs in the process for some reason, resulting in missing pulses, an overmeasurement,
or parameter errors, an alarm can be made to go off.
(5) Reliable and simple to maintain.
Major circuits are built on printed circuit boards for reliability and simple maintenance.
All inputs and outputs are isolated from each other by photocouplers.
During power cycling, parameters and variables are retained in the E²PROM.
(product tag)
Front panel
Terminal Identification Label
Panel-mount Fitting
(two, top and bottom)
Backpanel (with terminal block
for external connections)
Parameter Label
Frames (top, bottom, right, left)
Fig. 3.1 Part Names
. For terminal blocks for external connections, see Sec. 5.3 on page 7.
2. For the front panel display and controls, see Sec. 6. on page .