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Using your GameCycle
This section provides more information on how to get up and running quickly with your
GameCycle and walks you through all the basic software features in your GameCycle.
Before starting your game, please ensure that your GameCycle is turned off, and insert
one of the game discs provided to you into the Nintendo GameCube. Then turn on the
GameCycle. You may have to turn your TV on (from standby mode). The GameCube
should turn on automatically, but if not, please press the button labeled “POWER” on
your Nintendo GameCube. Also, your TV has been automatically configured to select
the A/V mode as the TV input, but if this setting is changed accidentally, you should set
the input mode to A/V.
Please consult the Nintendo GameCube and the LCD TV Users Manuals for more
information on how to respectively operate them.
Quickstart Games
Your GameCycle has been programmed to allow you to rapidly start any one of four
popular games – “
Need for Speed Underground
”, “
Racing Evolution
”, “
4x4 Masters of Metal
and “
”. If you are new to the GameCycle, it is strongly
recommended that you use these games, and play the preprogrammed setup by
following the instructions in the next session.
Playing Games on the GameCycle
Always ensure that the Memory Card for
the Nintendo GameCube console is
inserted into Slot 1. The absence of the
memory card in the correct slot will cause
the automated starting software to fail.
Select your Game
After inserting your game and turning the GameCycle on, you will be shown a screen
with different game selections. There are four default games to allow you to start-up
quickly, as well as an advanced option (Other Games). For new users of the
GameCycle, it is strongly recommended to play the pre-programmed settings for the