MADSEN Zodiac is a compact device for immittance testing.
MADSEN Zodiac Quick Check - Stand-alone
Testing with Zodiac Quick Check - Stand-alone
Operating MADSEN Zodiac
You can operate Zodiac as a stand-alone unit using the built-in keypad and display, or, if you are using the OTOsuite Immit-
tance software module, you can operate Zodiac using the PC’s keyboard and mouse with the OTOsuite Immittance module
acting as the display.
If you are controlling Zodiac from OTOsuite, see the MADSEN Zodiac Diagnostic & Clinical PC-based User
The hand-held Quick Check probe
Supported tests
Depending on the configuration, Zodiac supports the following tests and functionalities:
Reflex Screening
MADSEN Zodiac - OTOsuite interfacing
MADSEN Zodiac is designed to operate with the OTOsuite Immittance module. From the OTOsuite Immittance module,
which is NOAH compatible, you can perform tests, monitor test results, create User Tests, store and export data, and print
The Noah System is a HIMSA product for managing clients/patients, launching hearing test applications and fitting software,
and storing audiological test results. MADSEN Zodiac test results can be stored in the Noah database via OTOsuite.
Printing test results
Some versions of MADSEN Zodiac have a built-in thermal printer for printing test results. When MADSEN Zodiac is used in
connection with the OTOsuite Immittance software module, test results can be transferred to OTOsuite for printing as
OTOsuite reports.
Otometrics - MADSEN Zodiac
User Guide