Otocheck ABR
User Manual
Test troubleshooting
High myogenic activity/artefact reject
The most common cause of electrical interference is myogenic (muscle)
activity from a restless baby.
1. Check that all electrode and cable connections are secure.
2. Switch off lights in the test area.
3. Do not place the Reference (Common) electrode close to the heart
(front or back of the patient). Noise can be generated by a large EKG
4. Smooth and swaddle the baby in an effort to calm him/her. Note that
electric muscle artefacts may arise from non-moving but tensed muscles
(isometric contraction) – pay particular attention to the nape of the neck
with this condition.
5. Touch each electrode to identify which is causing the problem, try:
• holding the skin around the electrode taut
• maintaining light pressure on the electrode
• gently stroking the baby’s head
• repositioning the baby’s head