Assembling the end ring (and mirror cell) back onto
the tube can be a bit tricky. This is because the large
diameter and thin metal of the tube will cause the tube
to become somewhat out of round once the end ring is
removed. To assemble the rear end ring (with mirror and
mirror cell now connected) to the tube, stand the lower
section of the tube up vertically so the raw edge of the
tube is up. Line up the threaded holes in the edge of the
end ring with the holes in the end of the tube. Then, lower
the entire assembly onto the tube. (Be careful to avoid
finger pinching during this step!) There may be a bulge in
the perimeter of the tube that prevents the end ring from
fully seating onto the tube
(Figure 21).
Press against this
bulge, and the entire mirror cell assembly should seat
onto the tube. Now, replace the eight Phillips screws that
connect the rear end ring to the tube.
The cooling accelerator fan and counterweights can now
be connected to the rear of the optical tube. Refer to the
instruction sheet that comes with the fan kit for installa-
tion instructions. For the three counterweights, thread
them onto the counterweight mounting bolts as far as
they will go and tighten them lightly against the metal
(Figure 22).
Now, the upper and lower sections of the tube will be
connected with the four truss pole assemblies. This is a
procedure that will be done whenever the telescope has
been disassembled for transport or storage. It is very easy
to do, and should only take a couple of minutes. Start by
connecting the eight captive clamping knobs on the ends
of the pole assemblies to the lower truss support ring on
the lower optical tube section
(Figure 23).
This is done by
simply threading the knobs into the holes in the ring. Do
not completely tighten these knobs just yet.
Figure 21.
Locate the area of tube that is bulging out and
preventing it from seating in the end ring. Press on the bulge to force
the tube into the end ring.
Figure 22.
Thread the counterweights onto the counterweight
mounting bolts until each counterweight is tight against the metal
Figure 23.
The clamping knobs on the ends of the truss pole
assemblies thread into the holes in the lower truss support ring on
the lower tube section.
Lower tube
Truss pole