Virtual Machine Platforms
Oracle distributes virtual machine templates, each containing a virtual disk image and default
configuration for the supported profile of each VM platform. VM platform support is dependent
on your Oracle product version.
This section addresses requirements associated with running applicable software as virtual
machines. It also provides basic instructions on loading and starting machine templates.
VM distributors maintain extensive documentation sites. You must use those vendors'
documentation for full explanations and instructions on VM deployment and operation.
Create and Deploy on Oracle VM Manager
This section provides detail on deploying Oracle Communications Session Delivery products
in an Oracle Virtual Machine environment and assumes Oracle VM Manager 3.4.2. The
section also assumes the user understands deployment in these environments and that the
majority of deployment tasks, from hardware installation and startup to VM resource and
management setup, is complete.
For information on Oracle OVM, including server and manager documentation, refer to the
following links. The bottom link opens the page specifically to Oracle OVM version 3.4.2.
Once hardware, VM resources and VM management are in place, the user prepares the VM
management environment. High level steps include:
Discover Oracle VM Servers
Discover Storage (File Server or SAN)
Create a Virtual Machine Network
Create a Server Pool
Create a Storage Repository
The following procedure describes a typical deployment. The system may display
different screens, depending on the deployment.
Oracle Communications Session Delivery product-specific setup steps include the following.
Add Resources to Storage Repository
Import an assembly
Import a virtual machine template (from the assembly)