Note 3: Do not forget to drain the bearing well before shipping the turntable.
Note 4: Do not forget to protect the accessories individually when putting in the rear piece of
packaging and to secure them with a wide piece of tape.
Note 5: If any counter weights or other loose parts must be sent with you Alexandria, they must
be fitted from the rear of the turntable in one of the side piece cavity under the plinth. Make sure
to protect each parts individually and to secure them with wide tape to keep from flying loose!
Note 6: Your Oracle’s packaging has been designed to protect is from the abusive normally
encountered during shipping. Please save all packaging materials for use in any future shipping.
Assemble your Alexandria
Install the platter without the drive belt being carefull to insert the spindle vertically in the
bearing assembly.
note 1: Do not remove the transit screws
note 2: Do not pour the oil in the bearing well at this time
Put the mat on the platter
Install the tone arm and phono cartridge
Note: We begin the assembly section with this topic because it is simpler to work on the turntable
without accessories. Furthermore, with the transit screws in place the mounting plateform is rigid
making all adjustments safer.
Install the tone arm following the manufacturer recommendations.
-note 1: The cutting of the arm board can sometimes be troublesome on top of being a
potential hazard. The use of an adequate tolling is important to both accuracy and safety.
Oracle can supply a pre-drilled arm board for mostly any tone arms available.
Owner’s manual