Mounting the spring module to the plinth.
Lift the plinth and remove the upper cover.
Insert the module from under the plinth making sure to properly fit the sorbothane damper
in the recess of the subchassis.
Guide the lower cover to seat in the counterbore of the plinth.
Loading the suspension
Note1: Before moving into this step the mat, an old record and record clamp must be in place on
the platter.
Note2: Do not install the drive belt nor the phono lead to prevent any bias in the interpretation of
the calibration.
Install the suspension calibration gauge on the subchassis,near the springs.
Note3: With the spring adjusted as per step 2, the lip of the gauge should be well above the
surface of the plinth. If the lip is bleow, this is an indication that the spring used is not suited for
this tone arm application, it is too weak. Identify the color code anduse the following stiffer spring.
Start the procedure from step one.
Rotate the spring counter-clockwise by increments of ¼ of a turn. Apply a pressure on the
record clamp to stretch the spring prior to taking a new reading.
Repeat this operation until the lip of the gauge is nearly flush with the surface of the plinth.
At this time, reduce the increments to 1/8 of a turn or less until the lip is perfectly flush
with the surface plinth.
Note4: In the event that the lip of the gauge goes below the surface, start the procedure from
step one, gain.
Owner’s manual