This is your onwer’s manual. The following pages will describe as succintly as possible the
assembly of your new Alexandria. Although some operations are self explanatory, we strongly
suggest you read this booklet to better understand the vital roles so precisely accomplished by the
different key components.
A first grade turntable like your new Alexandria or any other turntable for that matter although
built with the finest materials is always somewhat vulnerable. Unlike speakers or amplifiers,
turntables require mechanical expertise to reach the high standards of accuracy they are capable
of. It is important to set up your Alexandria with the utmost care so it can effectively transmute
record groove modulations into outstanding musical performance and enjoyment !
Total accuracy is the only key to success in this matter where the quality of results can only be as
good as the worst level of calibration in any step whether it is suspension calibration, tone arm
installation or cartridge alignment.
This boolet is divided in three sections, the what if…., the how to…, and finally the what to do…
The what if…is an informative section about mechanical / sound interaction which will give a
comprehensive understanding of the different components and their effect on sound.
The how to… is the heart of the turntable set up which exposes throroughly the procedures to
achieve the very best results.
The what to do…will give you a quick check list usefull for trouble shooting and maintenance.
Alexandria MK III
Owner’s manual