optris PI – E2010-03-A
Appendix E – Optris PI Connect Resource Translator
Short localization tutorial
Optris PI Connect is a .Net Application. Therefore it is ready for localization. Localization as a Microsoft idiom
means the complete adaption of resources to a given culture. If you want to learn more about the
internationalization topics please consult Microsoft’s developer documentation (e.g.:
). If needed the localization process can be very
detailed. Also the resizing of buttons or other visible resources and the support of right-to-left-languages is
supported. This can be a huge effort and should be done by experts who have the appropriate tools. To limit
this effort and to enable anybody to translate the resources of the PI Connect application Optris has developed
the small tool “Resource Translator”. This tool helps to translate any visible text within the Optris PI Connect
Step by step tutorial
You will find a detailed tutorial on the CD provided.